
Ufo Information Research Paper

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The Covering of UFO Information by U.S Officials The possibility of life outside of our own planet has been boggling the minds of the human race for more years than anyone can truly know, however in the summer of 1947 new information made these already known suspicions even more apparent. A leery encounter with what a local farmer would identify as a UFO would quickly arise complications with the government and mysterious men who would threaten his family if any knowledge of this got out. These men would later coin the name “The Men in Black” due to their odd task of making sure no extraterrestrial information reached the public. The importance of these unexplainable men and their habits come to the surface when you truly begin to realize …show more content…

This equation would later be known simply as the Drake equation. As he describes all you need to do to determine life is to take the rate at which stars form in our galaxy and multiply it with the fraction of stars with planets, the average number of stars with planets that could potentially support life, the fraction of those that actually develop life, the fraction of life bearing planets that develop civilization, the fraction of civilized planets that have detectable signals, and finally the length of time a civilization might last. This all seems more easily said than done, and it was (Bennett, Jeffrey O). When first researching this equation many of the factors were not known, however now we actually have a pretty decent idea on what each of those numbers could be in our galaxy and these numbers are expected to be even more definite each year as our knowledge keeps growing. In fact, we know that most stars have planets and, judging off of our own atmosphere, the ability to sustain life on those planets are much higher than you’d expect. Even crazier than that? Scientist estimate about 100 billion possible life sustaining planets in our galaxy alone using the Drake equation. We also know that in 1995 the very first confirmed exoplanet was found. An exoplanet by definition is: “a planet that orbits a star outside of our solar system.” This planet is called 51 Pegasi b, but since its discovery astronauts were able to find hundreds and then thousands of others just like it. Discovering just how many exoplanets are in our solar system, as stated before, is nearly impossible. Scientists expect that each and every star in our milky way is home to about 1.6 orbiting planets. Nonetheless this is not the only equation we have to base our studies off of. Another scientist chose a different route in her research for extraterrestrial life (HEC:

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