
USSR: The great retreat

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How accurate is it to describe soviet social policy in the 1930s as a ‘Great Retreat’? Stalin’s early promises compromised of socialism and a life free from exploitation in regards to his social policies. However, he soon realised his error and reverted to a more conservative form of rule, whereby the interest of the state was given priority. Many describe his soviet social policy during the 1930s as a ‘Great Retreat’, it was named this as his policies saw a return to earlier social policies under the Tsar and former leaders. It is debatable as to how far his actions were a retraction of previous decisions…and the areas impacted were women, family, and education. A common theme of the great retreat was the gender role in society. It …show more content…

In simple terms the scheme of work was devised to prepare the future working generations for the FYPs. Much of the changes to education were dependant on this future work and therefore needed a lot of reconstructing. All communist plans were eradicated, however it was partly a retreat yet partly not; as the new aims were working towards the blueprints of the new economic policies- those who had not been implemented before. In conclusion there is clearly evidence of a ‘Great Retreat’ but it is of how much does this evidence account for in comparison to the whole picture. The largest retreats saw were in family life and equally in women’s role in society, there is endless proof of Stalin returning to traditional family values as the sexual freedom era was abolished and marriage symbolising legalised again. Yet retreat was also clear in the women’s role as a differentiation in beliefs was key in the gender roles in society- although they were thought to be moving forward stereotypical household women still existed. It is valid enough to call it a great retreat but there are also many movements’ forwards that weren’t evident prior to the social changes, one for example being women in the workforce. Education also saw a retreat by removing communist plans, yet it was also a move forward as it took into account the FYPs and based the educational aims around them.

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