
US Intellectual Property Laws (Copyright)

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Intellectual Property
Everywhere we look there is intellectual property. Intellectual property relates to intangible property such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets” (USLegal, n.d.). With all of the intellectual property readily available, online and in print there is no wonder that we as a society have an issue with safe guarding our own intellectual property. In order to protect our intellectual property there have been many laws and or rules established to govern how we handle and safeguard this type of property. These laws are found at both state and federal levels and are different between states. In a similar fashion, laws vary between countries as well.
US Intellectual Property Laws (Copyright)
The laws that …show more content…

Wherein, associated laws that deal with copyright can be found. These laws in general use the original U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 as a framework. Then each unique aspect of copyright law is written dynamically to account for the complexities inherent with the type of possible situation or scenario. Title 17 covers a multitude of use cases to include ownership and transference of copyright ownership, duration of a copyright, import and export of copyrighted material. In total there are 13 individual chapters within Title 17 that accounts for the various copyright situation / scenarios. Additionally, Title 17 also includes other transitional and related statutory provisions. These provisions include the original Copyright Act, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1988 and the Intellectual Property Protection and Courts Amendments Act of 2004 (United States & Library of Congress, …show more content…

The laws in all three countries are extremely similar. However, in Australia the moment an idea or creative concept is documented, on paper or electronically, it is automatically protected by copyright (IP Australia, 2013). This automatic copyright applies to books, films, artwork, music, sound recordings, databases, computer programs, and so on. It applies to essentially any original idea or piece of work. The protection is provided to Australian citizens under the Copyright Act of 1968. This act provides the owners exclusive rights and outlines that there is no official copyright registry or application process for

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