
UBI Pros And Cons

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Imagine 30 years from now, your child will have taken your place of on the cusp of retirement or have already achieved this goal. Your grandkids are now adults in their prime working age. However there are no longer the jobs available that once were. Automated robots have begun taking over all the jobs that regular people used to have. How do you solve the crisis this creates? A universal basic income or UBI for short is a method I believe Rockingham County should consider because technology is advancing at such a rapid pace jobs are diminishing equally as fast. The proposed plan of a UBI should be able to prevent everyone falling into poverty that isn’t part of the one percent who mass produce and would have immediate access to all of the futuristic automated robotics. There are …show more content…

Charles Murray advocates for this idea in an article in Wall Street Journal stating that “As of 2014, the annual cost of a UBI would have been about $200 billion cheaper than the current system. By 2020, it would be nearly a trillion dollars cheaper.” He does however make some sacrifices to federally funded things such as welfare and Medicaid for examples. These should probably not exist considering people should all be on the same even footing and $3,000 dollars of his proposed $13,000 would go towards medical insurance for just dire straits situations. Other than being good for the overall national debt Murray mentions involuntary drop out of the work force. These are the people that I personally am most afraid for in the future considering technologies advancements. If automated robots or machines begin taking all of the working class people’s jobs then the sociological conflict theory would be even more pronounced. The upper class or people in the one percent of income would be able to purchase these robots which would diminish the jobs of working people and in turn create a larger gap between the average American and the upper echelon. The issue I and Paul Krugman of New

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