
Types Of Things That Structural Engineers Can Improve A Rigid Structure

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This activity was designed to help us learn the type of things that structural engineers can do. Our task was to successfully build a bridge at the lowest price possible, that could hold up the weight of the bridge itself, and the weight of a truck driving on top of it going across without the bridge breaking falling apart. This activity was to help us further understand what structural engineering is like and how to use forces to our benefit to build and create a rigid structure.

Design Brief

The purpose of this bridge should be to make it efficient, safe, and, durable. The bridge may cross the valley at any of the elevation options given by the program, which is anywhere from 0 meters to 24 meters above water level. …show more content…

Research Summary

Bridges come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, lengths, and heights, however all of these factors depend on the setting and the location of the bridge. After doing extensive research on a variety of websites I’ve found out that there are about 4 main different types of bridges, each is composed of a different type of system, a beam system, a truss system, an arch system, or a suspension system. Beams tend to be horizontal and quite long, because of this they usually require beams underneath to provide support. Trusses are frameworks made up of many triangles that provide support for a given structure like roofs or in this case, bridges; truss bridges are very rigid and are able to go higher than most bridges. When arches are used in bridges they create great strength, they tend to be harder to construct and are composed of many parts and some even have cables to hold the arches up. The final type of bridge is the bridge composed of cables and is called a suspension bridge because this bridge is held up by many cables and is suspended above an area, and it also has a truss system underneath to provide better stability, this is one of the most common bridges. I also did some research on some reasons why bridges collapse, and I found out that a very common problem that has caused many bridges to fail and

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