
Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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Diabetes is an increasingly common disease that takes many lives each year. “In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes.” (Statistics…) 29.1 MILLION Americans had this terrible disease in 2012. That is a lot. But, you may be wondering, what exactly is diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic, deadly disease which is quickly spreading across the United States, and it is a large problem in our country and community.
Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. “Diabetes remains the 7th leading cause of death in the United States in 2010, with 69,071 death certificates listing it as the underlying cause of death, and a total of 234,051 death certificates listing diabetes as an underlying or contributing …show more content…

Locally and nationally, Almost 10% of the population has this condition. 1 in every 10 adults could have it. Type 2 diabetes is more common because it is caused by the sugary foods we eat. Most diabetes patients die to other conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney failures, strokes etc., but all of these are complications as a result of diabetes. Indiana’s diabetes rates are higher than average because people in Indiana do not exercise; almost ⅔ of diabetes patients do not get enough. Nationally, the seventh leading cause of death is diabetes. U.S. medical bills for diabetes patients are (on average) 2.3x higher. This means people can not easily treat their condition. In conclusion, diabetes is so common because people are lazy and do not do enough to prevent it. There could be solutions to this problem. One solution could be to mass produce a lot of posters encouraging people to watch their diet and exercise by stating the physical, mental, and financial dangers of diabetes. This could save a few people from the disease, but we know not everyone listens to what they see or hear. Concluding

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