
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Essay

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Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease that is modifiable and preventable through diet and exercise. The incidence of T2DM is propagated by a sedentary lifestyle and excessive caloric intake. Maintenance of a desirable body weight, diet, and exercise are the mainstay therapy for T2DM (Buttaro, Trybulski, Bailey, & Sanberg-Cook, 2013). I have chosen Shannon, a 30 year old single African American female who is newly diagnosed with T2DM for my health promotion paper. Shannon is obese with a Basal Metabolic Index (BMI) of 32 and HbA1c of 9.8 %. She is otherwise healthy with no known medical problems. When I first met Shannon, she was petrified of her diagnosis and the accompanied symptoms (polyruria, polydipsia, fatigue, …show more content…

These goals are in accordance with the nutrition and recommendations of the American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2008). Practical Application Of Transtheoritical Model for T2DM The Transtheoritical model (TTM) was utilized to support this health promotion paper. TTM offers guidance for individuals at all stages of readiness for change and it involves matching intervention approaches to an individual's current stage of change. Stage of change (SOC) is the central organizing construct of TTM. As the individual makes a behavioral change, it progresses through a series of change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Moreover, TTM integrates several other behavior change constructs such as, decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy (Johnson et al., 2008). Establishing a therapeutic environment, building rapport, and communication techniques are key to the behavior change process. Shannon was in the contemplation stage when I first encountered her in the clinic. She was aware that her recent unfortunate experience was caused by her obesity. Even though T2DM has a genetic predisposition, with glycemic control, physical activity (PA), weight loss and a healthy well balanced diet can help control and prevent disease progression and its complications (Fowler, 2007). Shannon was eager and determined in taking charge of her T2DM but had ambivalence on how to manage

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