
Tydings-Mcduffie Act Case Analysis

Decent Essays

The Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934) is an act that established the Philippines as an independent country and limited the annual Filipino immigration to the United States (Takaki, 14). Initially, the Philippines were colonized by the U.S., which meant Filipinos became nationalists and were able to become U.S. citizens (Sasaki, 5/19/16). When the U.S. granted the Philippines independence, Filipino immigrants in the U.S. were classified as being “aliens” like the rest of the Asian Americans (Takaki, 331). As “aliens”, they were no longer had the right to naturalize as they were not Caucasian and weren’t part of the U.S. territory. The U.S. government only gave the Philippines independence because they wanted to restrict the Filipinos from entering the U.S. to overall keep Asian Americans out (Sasaki, 5/19/16). This action of the U.S. trying to force the Filipinos out …show more content…

U.S. in 1922 is the court case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Takao Ozawa, a Japanese immigrant, was rejected from getting citizenship due to not being racially categorized as Caucasian. Ozawa argued that he and his family were fully assimilated into American culture and his skin was very light to the point that he looked Caucasian (Lee, 124). However, the court ruled that skin color wasn’t the main factor in whether a person could become a citizen; being of Caucasian descent was the most important criterion (Lee, 124). A year later, Bhagat Singh Thind, an Indian immigrant, was prevented from naturalizing because although he was racially categorized as Caucasian, the “common man[‘s] view Indians [as] not white” (Lee, 124). The U.S. Supreme Court in both cases manipulated the rules to prevent people of Asian descent form naturalizing, which showed that “race as a category can be manipulated to include or exclude certain groups” (Sasaki, 3/15/16). The U.S. perceived foreign people as being threats to society and therefore, didn’t feel safe to have them become citizens and receive

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