Does everything he does have a consequence? Tybalt was unkind to people and killed many. In return he deserved to die. By faith he got what he deserved. When you act in a way that is unkind you deserve to have done to you what you did. Why did tybalt die? Who or what killed him? He killed mercutio,so he deserved to to die since he shed the princes cousins blood. He keeps starting fights with the family´s even though the prince said not to. He is a hot head and can get angry fast which can cause problems.
Tybalt took the life of many. He took the life of sweet Merchio.The princes dearest cousin. This is a bad deed that causes fate to take his life. He took a life so he doesnt deserve to live his life to the fullest when he took that from
Tybalt is a very vengeful character. When tybalt and Mercutio fight, Mercutio gets stabbed and dies which will cause Romeo go crazy. “Why the devil come you between us? I was hurt under your arm.”(3.1.70) with these words, Romeo feels guilty about his best friend's death, that was mainly caused because Romeo denied fighting Tybalt.
In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt was the enforcer of the story and always tried to stir up more chaos in the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. An example of this can be found in Act 1, when the Capulet’s party is going on, when Tybalt senses Romeo, he ends up getting very defensive and angry, “This, by his voice, should be a Montague, / Fetch me my rapier, boy. . . Now, by the stock and honor of my kin, / To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (5.52-57). Tybalt’s quick and unthoughtful actions make him a hot-headed character who is very easy to dislike. With Tybalt’s previous actions, the story leaned toward the idea that he was going to cause a damaging and lethal event to happen, which he indeed did. After spotting Romeo at the Capulet party, Tybalt felt disrespected and was livid, due to this, he challenged Romeo to a duel. When they both meet up on the street, Romeo attempts to make peace with Tybalt and to end all disagreements between the two. However, Tybalt is there to cause drama and he declines, stating that Romeo’s request “shall not excuse the injuries / that thou hast done to me” (3.1.61-62). Tybalt’s rejection of Romeo’s request led to his own death as well as Mercutio’s. Another consequence of these actions was Romeo’s banishment from Verona, which ended up
In the play of “Romeo and Juliet”, by William Shakespeare, Tybalt is to blame for their deaths, because he killed Mercutio, Romeo's friend, leading to his banishment and Juliet misery/desperation causing her to fall into a deep sleep. Mercutio's death from Tybalt, only resulted from Tybalt provoking and insulting Romeo. As a friend Mercutio defended Romeo but in the end payed the price with his life. Shakespeare suggests that, “My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt In my behalf. My reputation stain'd With Tybalt’s slander”(Act 3, Scene 1,line 105).
For generation blood had been shed in Verona where two families the Montegue and Capulet enmity had been prolonged by the pride for their household name. In midst of this, two young teens Romeo Montegue and Juliet Capulet “fall in love” and by their deaths end the feud. Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare in the mid 1590’s is a play where many characters help form the complex plot. For example Friar Lawrence, Mercutio cousin of Romeo, and Tybalt an antagonist and enemy of Romeo who is part of the Capulet family. He is quick tempered which is one main reason why he is the character that complicates his life the most in the play.
Fetch me my rapier, boy.” as you can clearly he was ready to kill someone based off of their voice, do you know how crazy you have to be to even consider that!? Tybalt's extreme temper will be a main driving force to all of the problems that he will cause if he would have died from falling the story would have been happy ever after, but instead because of him we get the teenage equivalent of Hamlet. Some of his other character flaws are shown by as they said “We can accurately describe the skilled swordsman as a tough, cocky and aggressive character who is always looking for a fight.” most of as know that if you keep looking for a fight you are going to find one and that's exactly what
Tybalt could also be held accountable for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt's nasty, hot-headed persona caused a lot of strife as he always started brawls and quarrelled with the Montagues. When Tybalt gets in a fight with Mercutio, despite the Prince's orders to
To generalize, Tybalt is a typical bad person with a violent mentality. During the first clash of the two families, Tybalt tries to provoke Benvolio into a fight indicating that he wants violence and bloodshed. After Benvolio tries to talk Tybalt into peace, Tybalt states "What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, / As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. / Have at thee, coward" ( , , 64-66). In these few lines it is clear that Tybalt has a very negative mindset and that he would do anything to partake in a fight. Also, he is a very illogical thinker and he doesn't assess any situation such as asking himself what violence would do to help the family feud. He completely refuses to accept the idea of peace that Benvolio, a Montague, is offering. Unlike Tybalt, Benvolio is a logical thinker and he is able to assess any situation before any problem arises. Benvolio offered peace knowing the feud had been going on for way to long but Tybalt's response was to arrogantly pass of on it because he believes the Capulet family is better. To add on that thought, Tybalt is also a very cruel person to decline on peace and risk his own Capulet members to sacrifice their lives in a bloody fight. Just because he enjoys the mutiny, Tybalt is the type of person that would sacrifice his own
In act 1 scene 1, Tybalt says “As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. meaning he hates the Montague and wanted to fight them.” If tybalt wouldn't hate as much as he did he would have been nice and wouldn't always start fights with the montague with later on wouldn’t lead to Mercutio's death or his very own.
Out of all the unfortunate people to die in this play all of them were victims of a tragic misunderstanding or suicide, except for Mercutio and Tybalt himself. Tybalt was filled with murder, and he killed Mercutio, got himself killed, and Romeo banished for defending himself and his friends. He spurred on the hate between the families. Out of everyone in the play, Tybalt was the most morally corrupt. Tybalt is a young guy, and he cares a lot about upholding the family grudge, the “ancient grudge” (Shakespeare 377) that he most likely wasn’t around to see be created.
Romeo wants revenge and fights with Tybalt. In this fight, Romeo kills Tybalt. When Romeo realizes the consequences of his actions, he says that he is “Fortune’s fool” (3.1.142). He believes that he has no control over the killings of Mercutio and Tybalt. However, these events are caused by his own rashness. Romeo chooses to fight with Tybalt and even starts the fight. Romeo fights to avenge his friend’s death. Romeo’s actions are rash because he does not consider the results of his actions. Romeo could resolve the conflict in some nonviolent way, but his mind is fixed on killing Tybalt. Romeo is exiled from Verona because he kills Tybalt. His rashness causes problems for his own family as well as for the Capulets and for the Prince. Romeo’s rashness in killing Tybalt leads to his killing himself.
In the play, Tybalt has a large influence on the death of Romeo and Juliet. He helps contribute to their deaths because he kills Mercutio and Romeo in turn kills Tybalt which causes Romeo to be banished from Verona. Then Juliet tells “Romeo is banished!” “There is not end no limit, measure, bound. In that word’s death: no words can that woe sound.” (Act III Scene II 128-130) If Romeo had taken the time to think before killing Tybalt he would not have killed him and therefore he would not be
First off, Tybalt was responsible for his own death because he never thought about the negative effects of his immature actions. The recklessness of these actions led him to give in to his urge to fight with Romeo at Capulet's party is a prime example of how he was so careless knowing the possible consequences. After Tybalt found out Montagues were at this party he wanted to start a massive brawl even though the king of Verona strictly told them he didn’t desire any more pointless fighting. The king had said, “Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,Profaners of this neighbour-stained steel Will they not hear? What, ho!
One reason Tybalt died was because of Romeo and Juliet’s secrets. In 3.1, Romeo told him, “The reason that I have to love thee/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage/ To such a greeting. Villain am I none./ Therefore, farewell. I see thou know’st me not” (3.1.33-36). When he said this, he was referencing his relation to Tybalt; because he married Juliet, he and Tybalt became cousins. However, he did not know what Romeo was implying. Tybalt
Feeling guilty, Romeo feels responsible for Mercutio’s dying because as Mercutio is about to die, he blames Romeo for his loss. Trying to redeem himself he kills Tybalt in vengeance for Mercutio. Afterwards, the Prince banishes Romeo from Verona for the murder of Tybalt. Romeo kills Tybalt on impulse and does not think about the consequences and acts before he thinks. Romeo does not think at all when he kills Juliet’s cousin Tybalt. Romeo’s banishing is one of the most
It is clear that Tybalt takes the deep-dispute between two families more serious than any other characters in the play. His willingness to risk his life to defence the Capulet’s honour is clear when he declares “by the stock and honour of [his] kin, to strike [Romeo] dead [he] hold it not a sin.” Tybalt’s extreme loyalty to the Capulet’s house can be found as a source of his spiteful and arrogance, which all contributes to his death and deepens the hate between two