
Two State Solution Essay

Decent Essays

The Israeli-Palestinian issue has been an ongoing conflict since 1917. This conflict started right after the Holocaust as a huge number of Jews fled to Palestine. Later on, the Israeli forces almost occupied the whole land over the years. Currently, the Palestinians own about 11-15% of the land, while Israelis own the rest of the land (Farah 40). As of today, there are about five million Palestinian refugees in foreign camps and they are unable to return (Farah 40). Not only the Israeli forces occupied the land and forcibly evicted millions of Palestinians, they also operate a two-tiered system in the country that gives better treatment to Israelis while imposing harsh conditions on Palestinians. For example, Israeli civilians are allowed to …show more content…

Basically, the two-state solution suggests that the land should be divided into two, an area for the Palestinians and an area for the Israelis. The two-state solution would guarantee Palestinians an independent state and would also allow them to gain their full human rights (Francis). The two-state solution has been planned since decades but it is not being applied because it is not gaining enough support from powerful countries such as United States (Talhami 468). Powerful countries which are members of the United Nations, like USA, UK, China and Russia would have a huge influence on the Israeli authorities to consider applying the two-state solution. People should sign petitions in favor of the two-state solution. There is a petition called “Immediate Two State Solution” that could be found on a website called “”. This website could be extremely effective because the main goal of this website is to help millions of people mobilize together to fight for and realize a more just society where everyone can thrive, which is what exactly needed for the Palestinians. If this petition gets signed by many people it would raise awareness to the world, and a powerful neutral side, such as the UN, could apply this

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