
Two Learning Techniques

Decent Essays

This essay aims to explore the effectiveness of two learning techniques which are consistently being used across psychology students throughout the UK. The first technique which will be discussed is summarising, a technique which includes identifying and capturing. It includes getting to grips with the main points of a text and aims to exclude the unimportant or repetitive information (A.L. Brown, Campione, & Day, 1981). The second technique discussed will be highlighting and underlining. This technique involves students depicting the relevant points of an essay and underlining or highlighting these to distinguish them from the rest of the text. Each of these techniques have advantages and disadvantages and each can be more useful for specific …show more content…

A study conducted by Rinehart, Stahl, & Erickson, (1986) demonstrated how summarisation is an effective skill for improving learning skills; using a recall task, it was evident that students could recall major information as a result of effective summarising. In accordance with Brown, Day & Jones (1983), it is important to be able to use summarisation when handling information as it consists of skills such as comprehension, and paying attention to important trivia. Therefore summarising as a technique will contribute towards developing further skills that will benefit in other aspects of life. Comprehension, for example, is a skill that is emphasised as important from a very young age, evidently used during reception and even nursery classes. It appears to be a key life skill that is first emphasised early on and is used throughout life to ensure we use our reading skills effectively. Summarising as a learning technique therefore contributes to developing skills that will benefit an …show more content…

Alongside being commonly used, this technique could quite easily be labelled as one of the easier techniques as it does not require a certain level of skill whereas some of the other techniques do. When discussing the effectiveness of highlighting and underlining, it can be argued that the most advantageous aspect is that it consists of actively selecting information and therefore means that the reader has to develop an understanding of the text, identify the meaning and then pick out the most important and relevant details. Similarly to summarisation, this would require the reader to get a gist of the text as a whole rather than as individual components and therefore again will benefit the reader in terms of being able to process and then organise. Research by Fowler, R. L. and Barker, A. S. (1974) directly investigating the effectiveness of highlighting gathered results showing that when highlighted material was tested, there was a significantly better pass rate on items and therefore highlighting and underlining does have an effect on learning. However, although highlighting and underlining does not require a certain degree of skill, the way in which the highlighting is conducted can often determine how effective it is. Many students may highlight a large amount

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