
Two Kinds Mother

Decent Essays

As we grow up, our mothers have played a significant impact on who we will become in our life. Our mothers have been there for us when it seems that our world are crumbling, when we are feeling sick with a stomach bug, but most importantly, our mothers will always be there when we need them the most. In “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, it starts out with a mother who only wants to live the American Dream. After losing her family in China, she comes to America with her daughter with the hopes of reclaiming the loss of her family through the eyes of her daughter. As a little girl Ni kan does as her mother dreams of but as the daughter get older she become disobedient towards her mother. In the beginning, Ni Kan became “just as excited as her mother, maybe even more so” at the idea of her becoming a prodigy (Tan, 223). She could imagine herself with many different talents and she felt that once she “became perfect,” (Tan, 223) her parents will never be disappointed with her. Unfortunately, her mother has become so demanding of her that she is forced to take daily tests at home. Ni Kan tells of “the tests are harder- multiplying numbers in my head without using my hands, predicting the daily temperature in Los Angeles, New York, and London” (Tan, 223). Ultimately, her mother talked her into taking piano lessons, this became the mother’s center of her judgement. As the story continues to reveal the many conflicts between mother and daughter. Ni Kan explains of the enormous amount of pressure her mother was putting on her to become a prodigy. She argues, …show more content…

Most parents can relate to expressing frustrations that both mother and daughter feel when expectations and dreams are not met. But one must learn to drown our pleas for the time being and give ourselves space to learn one’s self and there we can find contentment in being what we are and not what someone else wants us to

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