
Two Crazy Ideas

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Did you know that World War II was a spring of crazy ideas for weapons? Some may think this is insane but all of theses ideas were actually projects in WW2. Some might have made it to the battleground and some didn’t even make out of the testing labs. Well, during the war the Allied forces came up with the ideas of Feminizing Hitler, teaching pigeons to fly missiles, and creating a exploding wheel. One of the most insane plot was to sneak a sex hormone called oestrogen into Hitler’s food. Professor Brian Ford was a science writer and worked at the Cardiff University came up with the scheme of having a spy that was close to Hitler to smuggle oestrogen into his food. Since, oestrogen was both tasteless and had a slow but suitable effect, that meant it would go unnoticed by his taste tester. The theory was that the estrogen would change the gender of Hitler to make him more feminine and less aggressive. Sadly, this Was one of the “hare-brained” schemes Ford came up with as it never made it to the battlefield. The second wacky project was the “Project Pigeon”. The goal was to train pigeons to guide missiles to enemy warships. How this project was supposed to work is to have a three tiny compartments in the tip of the missile. The …show more content…

The “Grand Panjandrum” was two ten-foot in diameter steel wheel with rockets attached to each wheel. Created by the British as a means of breaking through the Germans defences on the beaches of Normandy, this was one of the most unsuccessful project in World War II. The panjandrum had may flaws that caused it failure, for one this thing had no control and it was easily knocked off course. Two some of the rockets would explode and would cause the other to explode. So, with all the problems this project had and a few incidences of it almost blowing someone up, it never made it out of the testing grounds let alone to the battlefields. The only thing this project was good at was scaring a poor

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