
Twenty Years Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Twenty years Is a long time to think about. It all consumes the rest of high school, maybe college but that depends on what you want and how long you will be there. After all of that a long life job on how you see it and a family that you have to take care of by yourself along with your significant other. So twenty years is full of dreams and hopes that you wish to come true.

Right now to prepare me for the next twenty years of my life that is ahead of me is doing good in school and getting a job so I know what It is like to be in a workplace. After high school, Is a collage of my choice but that depends if I get accepted in or not, so i have to get a few in mind that way there is more options for me. With trying to get ready for the next twenty years i have to pick out a career that I like and would love to have a jog along with finding the degree for that job which for me it would be networking security and computer science. But to get to this it starts with hard work and studying along with looking around at places and degrees. Now there i do have a financial problem so I have to also look at the scholarships I can get to help me out with college and not have to worry so much about student loan debts. …show more content…

I plan on living on my own with a roommate or who I'm with me it be family, girlfriend or boyfriend, but i would more prefer to be on my own or with a roommate. The job I would love to have been in the military or working somewhere in networking security. But with it being five years after high school i would still hang out with friends and work and life is never what you might want it to because it will always change and be a different scenario so I'm going to take it slow and see where it takes me in the end of it

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