
Turkle's Article Analysis

Decent Essays

Turkle’s article is trustworthy as she explains that people are not spending as much time with each other as they use to, as the result of advancements in technology. She ensures this as she draws on her education, professional and personal experiences to prove her points. Her attendance at conference and seminars gives us a look at firsthand experience. Additionally, she interviews consultants, students, and co-workers. Indeed, her viewpoint about people not taking the time to simply think is solidified by her examples. She points out the notion that having electronics are almost a must have. The need to use them has greatly increased without any choice of our own. To prove her position, she said, “Students do e-mail during classes; faculty …show more content…

At times, her associates agree and don’t agree with her ideas. “Consultants used to say they are making better use of their ‘downtime,’ but they argue their point without conviction. This waiting time and going-to-the airport time was never downtime; it was work time. It was precious time when far-flung global teams solidified relationships and refined ideas” (Turkle 506). In addition, she references the scenario of a tethering youth getting a cell phone from their parents, “On the one hand this arrangement gives teenagers new freedoms. On the other they do not have the experience of being alone and having to count on themselves; there is always a parent on speed dial. This provides comfort in a dangerous world, yet there is a price to pay in the development of autonomy” (Turkle 508). Wherefore, her idea of lack of privacy being a big issue is not agreeable from everyone. “Put another way, people say, ‘As long as I’m not doing anything wrong, who cares who’s watching me” (Turkle 509)? In conclusion, she does discuss some opposing views of separating ourselves from our mobile devices. However, she doesn’t tell us the opposing views for each one of her points. Indeed, she does say that we are turning in to cyborgs with our

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