
Tuesdays With Morrie Personal Narrative Connection

Decent Essays

Tuesdays with Morrie Personal Narrative Connection When you are unable to function without aid of someone you feel lifeless. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, Morrie a retired psychology professor from Brandis University is dying from ALS. A student Mitch is back for his final lesson from his old teacher. This lessons topic is the meaning of life. When faced with his known fate Morrie refused to stay in bed and was very active. He said “When you’re in bed you’re dead.”(Albom 131). I had a life experience where I was very sick and I realized his meaning of lifelessness and your dependency on others. It was August 2014, my family was on a biking trip in Canada where we were riding an average 3.4 miles an hour, going up and down large hills.

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