
Try Out Research Paper

Decent Essays

As a freshman, I wanted to explore my options in high school so I attended some of the clubs and meetings for sports. After searching for some time, I couldn't find anything that fit me. Spring came around and I heard volleyball tryouts coming soon. My family was really into the game so they motivated me to try out. When the day came around, I went to the tryouts. At first, we warmed up and did some drills. After about 20 minutes, we got into the more vigorous parts of volleyball, which is pin point hitting and passing. I thought it was a successful day. I made the team and from that moment I knew I wanted to continue and get better because it was something new and exciting. It became an important aspect in my life. At first, things weren't …show more content…

The second season came around and after three days of tryouts, I was named captain for the Junior Varsity team. I was proud of myself and so was the coach with my improvement. Midway through the season, I was moved up to Varsity. It wasn't a big deal for some, but to me it felt like passing your driver's test or getting an A on a project. I felt proud of my accomplishment and I had a new sense of determination to get better. After losing the first round playoff game, I wanted to get even better so I worked hard during the off season day in and day out. Before I knew it, the season was on my doorstep, knocking. We started off rough, losing our first 5 games. I saw that everyone on the team was slowly giving up. We had a team meeting and I gave a speech to motivate the team, which helped.We won the next game. Our confidence went up, but then we lost the next game. For some reason, though, no one seemed to be bothered. We went on a 4 game winning streak after. We made it the playoffs, but we lost in the first around again. After the game, I gave another speech on getting better as a team and holding our heads up high. After the season ended, I noticed coaches were starting to scout

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