
True Colors Assignment

Decent Essays

Assignment 2-1 True Colors Assignment True Colors was developed by Don Lowry in 1978 and taught by Dr. Robert Ray Meadows, an Associate Director of 4-H out of VA Tech when I saw it. He was sharing this as a way for us to support people by giving people a tool to think about differences in people. I thought it would be a fun way to think about personalities and supporting people. True Colors uses colors to identify four distinct perspectives and personalities. Understanding your true colors and the colors of your co-workers or classmates, spouse or friends, children or parents, clients and others will bring about new awareness in not only understanding yourself and others, but will make you more effective in your relationships with …show more content…

Be aware that they often wear their heart on their sleeves. Listen to them and be supportive and share your thoughts and feelings. Praise their imagination and creativity. As Adults: respect their need to know about you. Be truthful, sincere, helpful, open and communicative. Take a creative approach to problem solving. Cooperate with other family members and show that you value them through thoughtfulness. Blues are the “huggers and back patters”. Blues are stressed and frustrated by: judgmental people, having to be on time, non-caring people, cruelty to children and animals and aggressive people. They also do not like disharmony, and lack of communication, injustice, being yelled at, confusion and traffic. They do not do well if they are stretched; have to deal with procedures, politics, and bossy and negative people. They stress over lack of support, lack of romance and inequality. They don’t understand people who will not grow or change. They are big picture people and don’t normally like details. GREEN – Represents “independent”. When working with those whose dominant personality type is green, these helpful hints will help you better understand them: If you are trying to be their friend: Be aware of their curiosity about life. Respect their need for independence. Know that they are caring even though

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