
Tropical Deforestation In Brazil

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Deforestation has been practiced for as long as humans have colonized and practiced agriculture. The mostly widely accepted definition is “longer-term conversion of forests to some other kind of ecosystem, such as agricultural or urbanized land” (Freedman 2004). The main difference in our age is the scale and rate we are clearing forests and that most of the deforestation today occurs in tropical countries (FOA 2010). In 2003 alone, ten thousand square miles of Amazon forests were destroyed. While deforestation rates are showing signs of slowing, in some countries, most scientists and researchers agree (FAO 2010); our current tropical deforestation practices are only contributing to an unsustainable environment for the future. The most common method used in tropical deforestation is ‘slash and burn’. An area of forests cut down and then the tree debris and plants are burned, providing a layer of ash to use as fertilizer. After a few years cultivation the land quality decreases and weeds increase, pushing farmers to a new plot of land and Repeat the …show more content…

The tropical forests of Brazil contain a multitude of resources like timber, diamonds, metals, oils, gold and more (Freedman 2004). The most common known reason for deforestation is for wood and wood byproducts. The U. S. alone imports 26% percent of pulp for paper (FAO 2010). But the driving force behind tropical deforestation is the global expanding population. 60% of tropical deforestation is due to expanding agricultural practices to supply the worlds need for sustenance. This includes the growing of crops as well as cattle rearing. Another benefit is industrialization and urbanization opportunities. Most tropical forests are located in developing countries. The most notable benefit is economical revenue and the jobs created from deforestation. Millions of people are employed in the agriculture and timber industry and rely on it to support their families (FAO

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