
Tripple Entente In Ww1

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World War One was the first and big war of the 20th century. This war involved countless countries because of nationalism, imperialism, territorial issues, economic rivalries, and militarism. The war first started with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated by a serbian in June 28th in 1914, and the Big World War 1 started in July 28th 1914, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. After this more countries got involved even to create the two groups known as the Tripple alliance and the Tripple entente. Entente in French means ‘’Alliance” which signifies these groups of countries had their own undertsanding. As i mention before there were two groups in the first World War 1, the groups were the Tripple alliance and the Tripple entente the Tripple alliance consisted of the following countries, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. While the Tripple entente were formed by Britain, France, and Russia. Although the World War 1 did …show more content…

Although it caused tension European countries like France, Germany, Italy and Russia were taking over of small countries in the region, implying they were all for the imperialist way. They wanted power, new territory, and friendships and rivalries between countries aswell. The other form was Nationalism, which is a sense of belonging to a perticular country, aslo known as loyalty to your country. It is about caring and having pride for your country more than others, although this form may sound good it can be used for good or bad depending on how you implement it. It can be good in a way as trying to make peace within your country, making a better place, as in improving it, yet it can aslo be bad as in if a country has too much diversyti as in America it could cause turmoil whithin the country, as to fighting others for not representing your country

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