
Trip To Yosemite Research Paper

Decent Essays

Trip to Yosemite When I was in 7th grade, the whole entire grade suggested that we should go on a camping trip. We had many places to choose from, but we all agreed on going to Yosemite. The reason we chose Yosemite is because we wanted people to stay away from their video games and electronics for a couple of days and actually enjoy what beautiful things God had made and what the outside world has to offer. It was an amazing trip and we did have many unforgettable memories. But one memory I had was on the second day of the trip, it was the day we started to do activities with our group leader. We hiked up a waterfall, played some games, and also took lots of pictures. It was a very tiring day and when we were finally done for the day, It was …show more content…

Dinner was great and all of us were very full. After dinner, the group leaders told us that we should all go out to the forest where they had already set up for our last activity of the day. Many people were excited including myself but it really was not... When we all got there, the leaders told us that they had already made borders surrounding a part of the forest and that the space within the border was covered with much less of debris and that they had made it so we knew that we were still within the border and that we wouldn't get lost. But they still admonished us that make sure to be inside that border at all times. We each got into pairs and each of us had been given a flashlight. It turns out that we were going to play hide and seek. Well except it had one difference, it was hide and seek in complete darkness... A little while later, everyone split up and my friend and I started to search for a good hiding spot. I suggested that we hide behind a bush but my friend as opinionated as he is, disagreed. My friend said that it was not a very smart idea and that we should maybe hide behind a tree since the seeker wouldn't know which tree we were behind. I unwillingly agreed since we didn't

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