Treatment Session Preparatory Method 1) AROM- Right elbow flexion. Intervention- The therapist will start by introducing herself and the purpose of performing ROM on the child to the mother. The therapist will build a rapport with both the child and the mother so the child can feel comfortable. The therapist will ask John if he is in pain and then check for swelling. If there is no pain, the therapist will continue with the activity; however, if there is pain or swelling, the therapist will stop the treatment than apply a cold pack in the area to reduce edema. The patient will then be seated in a small chair with support at a 90 degree angle, while both legs flat on the floor to perform the activity. The chair will not have any arm rest. The therapist will begin by doing PROM on the right elbow with gentle guidance then the child will continue to perform the activity actively towards the end. The therapist will stabilize the humerus, while passively flexing the forearm starting from extension to flexion. The patient will actively perform 4 repetitions of ROM on the right elbow from extension to flexion. The therapist will passively perform 6 repetitions of ROM on the right elbow of the patient to increase the level of function in that extremity. Between the active and passive ROM, the patient is required to take a 5 minute rest for joint protection. Before moving to the next activity, the patient will need to take another 5 minute break to avoid fatigue in the affected
Diagnostic procedure: a procedure performed to obtain information needed to make a diagnosis and treatment plan.
The practice that assist a therapist in determining a client diagnosis and the proper treatment plan that would resolve the issue surrounding the clinet’s diagnosis is Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning. The clinet’s treatment plan must be appropriate and relational and this will alow any type of medication and adaptions to be adjusted if needed so that modifications and adaptations can be adjusted as needed (Altman, Briggs, Frankel, Gensler, and Pantone, 2002). The ultimate goal of case conceptualization and treatment planning is to discover complete findings in relation to the client. One approach is Existential Therapy. The human
On 11/4/16 I attended the Lighthouse team conference via phone. The following is the current status from each discipline.
Treatment Group Proposal Part B Introduction & Rationale Overall Purpose: This treatment group's purpose is multidimensional by way of providing the needed and comprehensive mental health care for the homeless in the community which will address all the mental challenges they might be going through. The homelessness complicates mental health conditions because of the many multi-layered implications of stigma; inadequate resources; absence of support systems. Therefore, the ultimate aim of this organization is the overall psychological support for homeless individuals. Moreover, it aims at fostering a sense of belonging and community within them.
In this document Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) is a developed program by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment also known as CSAT. This program plan is the treatment of substance use disorders based on the specific needs of women. I was not aware of this program so I had learned quite a few from this document. TIPS main mission is to build resilience and supporting recovery for people that are risk of having mental or substance use disorders. They give out information and guidance for women. TIPS focus on clinical practices and researches that are concentrated on substance abuse treatment for women. I learned that there are differences between treating men and women. That you have to do treatment based on women’s needs and lifestyles.
Active Assisted Range of Motion is utilized under certain conditions. It is most often used when a client has a weakness due to pathology or injury. The therapist would help assist the client as the client actively moves the joint through a pain free range of motion, indicating pain when it arises. The use of light pressure touch over the joint capsule can add palpation of tissue for analysis during active assisted ROM.
DOI: 6/29/2010. The patient is a 50-year-old female packager who sustained a work-related injury when she hit her head on machine door after bending over to pick up an item.
Note: Always make objectives measurable, e.g., 3 out of 5 times, 100%, learn 3 skills, etc., unless they are measurable on their own as in “List and discuss [issue] weekly…”
Management strategies include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, slings, a home exercise program for ROM, and stretching exercises to prevent further loss of ROM thus promoting a faster return to normal range (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). There is no superior or definite treatment for this disorder, because every case is different (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). These treatments include massages, ROM exercises, strengthening exercises, stretching, and modalities including but not limited to heat application and ultrasound (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). That being said, the goals for treatment are to reduce inflammation and increase ROM (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). Of course, this pathology does have a protocol as to how to rehabilitate it in order to avoid any worsening. Days one through five include a hot pack for 15 minutes to relax the muscles, ultrasound therapy to break us adhesions, passive movements, self assisted exercises, and more. Days six through ten include the same exercises as before with increased repetitions, hold relax exercises, and
I chose prompt B. I do not think that interventions should be regular practice. Doctors should try everything that they can for a short time period. If complications arise from that, stop the intervention if that is cleared with the parents and see if the baby starts fighting back. The more interventions used will make the hospital bill go up. A pregnancy can cost 30,000 dollars for a vaginal birth and 50,000 dollars for a C-Section without insurance for both. With insurance, the costs can vary from 5,000 dollars to 13,000 dollars or more depending on the insurance company. Also the patient pays for the room, the bag they give the patient, tylenol, tissue box, the
Rehabilitation can have two different meanings- to bring (someone or something) back to a normal healthy conditions after an illness, injury or drug problems; or to teach a criminal in prison to live a normal and productive life. Approaches to treatment range from individual to group methods. Correctional officers must discover what works for which offender in what context.
The first objective that we made for him is to help identify the triggers that cause him to get angry. The second objective was to utilize various outlets two times a week to help him destress when he is feeling overwhelmed. He mentioned that he enjoys doing karate, boxing, and running and would like to make it a priority for his mental health. The two interventions that we added to the treatment plan were to continue attending psychotherapy sessions and medication management. The psychiatrist instructed him to take an anti-depressant once a day, and says that he has been taking it as directed. Currently, he does not have a coping mechanism that helps him feel better aside from getting into fights. This treatment plan is attainable for this client. He shows a willingness to speak about his behavior and work on his violent patterns. He has been consistently showing up for therapy sessions for over 8 weeks, and is meeting with the doctor once a month to discuss his medication.
Have you ever had an experience in therapy where you delt was unsuccessful? Did this experience effect the way you conduct your therapy sessions? Did you discuss your concerns with your therapist. If not what steps did you take? How would you handle if a client expressed concerns about how you were communicating or conducting the therapy session?
While the scientific community has known about the existence of coronaviruses for decades, there remain no licensed or approved therapies used in their specific treatment, nor vaccines to work as a preventive measure. As such, supportive treatment remains the most effective treatment measure for those patients affected. Supportive treatment involves the management of the symptoms of the disease, particularly with relation to pneumonia and respiratory tract infections associated with it. This includes various approaches such as respiratory and circulatory support, oxygenation, and preservation of the patient's renal, hepatic and neurological functions, working to prevent opportunistic infections, hydration, and the use of
I want to be able to use crafts in my therapy sessions. The book mentioned that clients found therapy more meaningful if they can relate the topic to something they did in the past, or could do now. As I thought about it, I find this very true. In my observations, I saw people do craft activities and activities that were not so relatable. I saw the frustration of patients as they had to do something that they did not see a point in doing. People enjoy an activity if there was an end point to it. For example, cooking or making a necklace was a lot more engaging then just moving beads around on a cord. I do have concerns about the documentation though. I know that if I want to participate in the use of crafts, I will have to be excellent in