
Treatment Session : Preparatory Method

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Treatment Session Preparatory Method 1) AROM- Right elbow flexion. Intervention- The therapist will start by introducing herself and the purpose of performing ROM on the child to the mother. The therapist will build a rapport with both the child and the mother so the child can feel comfortable. The therapist will ask John if he is in pain and then check for swelling. If there is no pain, the therapist will continue with the activity; however, if there is pain or swelling, the therapist will stop the treatment than apply a cold pack in the area to reduce edema. The patient will then be seated in a small chair with support at a 90 degree angle, while both legs flat on the floor to perform the activity. The chair will not have any arm rest. The therapist will begin by doing PROM on the right elbow with gentle guidance then the child will continue to perform the activity actively towards the end. The therapist will stabilize the humerus, while passively flexing the forearm starting from extension to flexion. The patient will actively perform 4 repetitions of ROM on the right elbow from extension to flexion. The therapist will passively perform 6 repetitions of ROM on the right elbow of the patient to increase the level of function in that extremity. Between the active and passive ROM, the patient is required to take a 5 minute rest for joint protection. Before moving to the next activity, the patient will need to take another 5 minute break to avoid fatigue in the affected

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