
Treat Your Eczema Research Paper

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Treat your eczema properly

How you treat your eczema depends on the severity of the eczema are and where they sit somewhere on the body.

In mild eczema on the body

When you treat eczema so wants to heal the inflammation. You do this with the help of cortisone and softening ointment.

Cortisone reduces the itching and reduces the inflammation. Emollient creams give the skin back the moisture that has been lost, and thereby building up a protective barrier.

Eczema on the scalp
If you have dandruff, eczema of the scalp so thing you can treat this with fungicides.

Eczema on the face or neck
Because the skin is so thin in the face and neck, you should avoid cortisone as this may cause side effects. Instead, it is better to deal with immunosuppressive

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