
Trauma Informed Model Essay

Decent Essays

What will a trauma-informed model of practice include?(500 words)
A trauma informed model of practice should centre upon a perspective that asks the client user ‘what happened to you’ rather than ‘what is wrong with you’ (Bloom and Farragher). This approach promotes the base line for which the service should be impliemented; an approach which enable to cliet to connect how their trauma has influence their behaviour, feelings, coping mechanisim and general perspective (Felitti et al. 1998). Staff within the home should have a good degree of trauma informed care as this enable for a deeper understanding of how the trauma can impact upon the individual and allow for holistic care (Harris and Fallot, 2001) and enables better support and help reduce to protential for re-tramatisation via triggers and uncousious re-enactment of trauma (SAMHSA, 2010). Implementing the above approach the client can receive the holistic carer they require in order to begin to overcome the trauma they have experienced. …show more content…

Practice should include promoting safety, trust, choices, and a collaborative approach which is strength based and empowering (Hopper, Bassuk, & Olivet, 2010). Focus with a trauma informed model also needs to place emphahsis on helping the child build attachments within the setting as the opportunity to establish safe social networkers with carers, treatment providers, peers and the wider community is a reparative practice (TIP,

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