
Transtheoretical Model Pros And Cons

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The Transtheoretical Model is also known as the Stages of Change Model. The model was invented in the late 1970s by Prochaska and DiClemente. This came about through the studies, that these two men did. They examined smokers who decided to quit on their own with people that needed help quitting. The study showed that people quit smoking if they were ready and willing to. The model focuses on the decision making of a person and their intent to change. This model also comes to the conclusion that people do not change behaviors rapidly and decisively. The model says that people go through six different stages of change. The stages are as follows: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Termination was …show more content…

Within this stage, many people do not take action for what is yet to come. They are most of the time unaware that their behavior can have negative results. They either underestimate themselves or try to achieve more than they can handle at once. The second stage of the model is contemplation. Within this stage, people are thinking about starting a healthy behavior in the future. At this time people tend to realize that their behavior may be a problem. They become more practical towards the pros and cons of their behavior. However, just because they are aware of this putting a damper on things, does not mean they change their behavior. The third stage of the model is preparation. Within this stage, people are finally ready to start changing their lifestyle. This process usually starts in the next 30 days. They start making small leaps to begin changing their behavior. The fourth stage of the model is action. Within this stage, people's behavior has changed and they plan to keep it this way. The fifth stage of the model is maintenance. Within this stage, people have balanced out their behavior and they want to continue it. People who are in this stage work to prevent a relapse in the other

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