
Transformation Periods In Europe

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered why our government is the way it is? Or what ideas made it so? Well, the answer lies in the Transformation periods in Europe. One of these periods was the Renaissance, when old Greek and Roman culture was revived and the arts were explored as they flourished during this time. Second was the Reformation, when the Catholic Church was challenged and Protestants began questioning the authority of the Church. Next was the Scientific Revolution when scientists explored the world around them and start providing answer that contradicted the old presumptions made by the Church. And lastly, there was the Enlightenment, which saw an increase in political and philosophical thinking from many people in the time and these ideas in turn founded the principles of our government today. The most important thinkers of this time were Martin Luther and Voltaire, because they gave the most to the growth of Europe at the time and to the growth of our country now. …show more content…

This is because he posted the 95 Theses on a church door, questioning the Church and stating what had gone wrong with it. Also his claims made after the Church threatened him with excommunication still were important to the changing of Europe. These things that Martin Luther did were vital to the Transformation because without him speaking out against the Church to begin with then no one else would have. His posting of the 95 Theses and him standing by his ideas gave others this confidence and started the idea that the Church maybe wasn’t correct and that they should start thinking for themselves. If that didn’t happen then Europe would not have been launched into a time where they explored, debated, questioned, and reasoned, instead of relying on the Church’s answers

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