
Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What is Transcendentalism? The term originated with the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who used it to refer to knowledge not known through the five senses. Its beliefs affected, in varying degrees, virtually all American writers during the romantic period. In America the movement started with one man: Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson's transcendentalist ideas are best reflected in his essay "Nature." The beliefs of transcendentalism greatly affected American writers of the mid 1800's (St. John et al. 196). When you are asked a question, you are expected to have an answer. It might be right or wrong, but you should be able to explain why you think the answer you are giving is correct. Transcendentalism was started as a New England philosophy, …show more content…

Emerson moved to Concord in 1834. His essay "Nature," a systematic exposition of the main principles of Transcendentalism, was published anonymously in 1836. Its publication sparked a period of intense intellectual ferment and literary activity (St.john et al. 196). To know eternal truth in this life, transcendentalists turned instead to nature, which they believed communicates divine ideas directly to persons willing to listen. In this communication, such people become virtually united to god (St.john et al. 196). However, this "god" Emerson spoke of is not the god of the Bible. Transcendentalists taught that the Biblical God is only the Jewish version of the true god and thus no different from the gods claimed by other religions in the world. The true god, they declared, is the Over-Soul, a spiritual presence residing everywhere in the universe. The tendency of some transcendentalists to regard nature and god as synonymous led them to pantheism, the worship of the universe as god. This changed Emerson's day to day way of life. He used his landscape and music to teach how to live and worship his god (St.john et al.

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