
Train Time Short Story

Decent Essays

How would you feel if someone wanted to take you away from your family? Would you go? Or Would you make a fuss? In this story it's a short story called “Train Time” by D’Arcy McNickle. The story is about a guy named Major Miles that want to help kids, to get a better lifestyle, then they have right now. In the situation he gets interested in one of the kids life that is Eneas; the boy that has to take care of his grandparents because their sick, has to do their chores in the house ,and cut wood for his family to be warm. Major asked or more like request, that Eneas should go away to help him only, but Eneas didn’t like the idea. After, the situation, Major Miles made a list of kids and put the kids names, (Eneas) that didn't want to go. The characteristic Major miles provide me from his actions was hard-headed,cocky, and that he acts like a guardian because he believes his decision will make their lives better.

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The author says,” The Major did not discuss it with him again but he set the wheels in motion.” (154-156) The Major acted like a guardian, and the kids disagree of what he was acting like. Because the kids do not, know him to be trusted of, should they go for the better, or not.

Lastly, in the story of “Train Time” Major miles gave off an attitude that demonstrated hard-headed, cocky, and guardian. In others opinion they believe Major Miles was being caring, but being caring you don’t go behind people's word and make their discussion without addressing it with the person. The story was more of trying to help others to have a better way in life, then they have at the moment. And if someone tried to help me to leave my family by taking me away from my blood I would feel confused and hurt, No, I would not go with the people, and Yes, I would make a fuss to

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