The investigative team and I arrived at the crime scene at 1.38 a.m. When we arrived, Arthur Volupides was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Queenie Volupides, the wife of Arthur, claimed that Arthur had been coming down the stairs for another drink when he tripped and fell down the stairs.The autopsy confirmed that Arthur died from a blow to the head, but we are uncertain what actually caused the incident. We also were informed that Arthur and Queenie had an altercation earlier that day. Although Mrs. Volupides’ claim does make sense, we believe that Arthur did not trip and fall on his own and for several reasons. First of all, Arthur’s corpse was found face first and chest up on the bottom of the stairs. This does not make sense if
¬¬Marissa Bracey World History and Voices Ms. Phillips & Mr. Cline May 5, 2015 Holodomor: The Eight stages of Genocide Genocide is a term that was created in 1944 to describe violence against a specific ethnical, racial, national, or religious group with the intent to destroy or wipe out that entire group. This is an unfortunate event that has caused millions of casualties and left even more in grief. The famine-genocide of Ukraine took place over the span of 16 long years, killing over 7 million farmers and families, over one third of the lives lost were children. Joseph Stalin is to blame for the horrors caused in Ukraine, his communist ways and power hungry drive allowed him to force millions of farmers out of their land and into poverty.
At approximately 1:14 AM, dispatchers received a call from the residence of the Volupides on December 8, 2016. Queenie Volupide announced that she and acquaintances went out to a country club after her and her husband had a small quarrel. When she returned to her abode, she witnessed her husband, Arthur Volupide, fall down the stairs after she said he was coming down for another drink. The autopsy confirms that Mr. Volupide had been drunk. Officers arrived to the scene at 1:29 AM. After appearing to the home, it was taken in account that Mrs. Volupide herself was intoxicated. Mrs. Volupide’s statement informed us that she was only with her husband for 10 minutes, after inviting her friends over for another drink. She was the only witness.
In Slip or Trip, Queenie and her husband had a big argument. After the fight, Queenie had decided to leave the house to go to a party down at the country club to have a few drinks with some friends.When she left the country club, Queenie had invited a few friends over to her house to have a couple of more drinks. When they arrived at her house, Queenie opened the door and said, “Something terrible happened. Arthur slipped and fell on the stairs. He was coming down for another drink - he still had the glass in his hand - and I think he might be dead. Oh, my God - what shall I do?” After an Autopsy was done on Arthur, it had come to the conclusion that he was drinking and he had obtained a severe head wound. Queenie is not telling the truth because
We believe Queenie Volupedis staged an accident to cover up for her murder. We arrived at the Volupedis home at 1:30 AM to find Queenie standing with a shocked face in front of her dead husband lying at the bottom of the stairs, glass still in hand. Food was cooking on the stove when we arrived, and everything besides Queenie’s husband was still intact. Queenie reported Arthur slipped and fell down the stairs. The autopsy reported Arthur died from a head wound and had been intoxicated. To begin with, Queenie still had a shocked face when the investigating team arrived, even after speaking to her friends and staying that way for 30 minutes. As a rule, people do not go back into shock after coming out of shock. This shows that Queenie had tried
In the 1900’s one of the most harrowing of Genocide’s occurred in the Ottoman Empire the Greek Genocide. What was the Greek Genocide? The Greek Genocide was the removal of Christian Greeks during the first World War. The accusations to begin killing the Christian-Greeks lasted for nine years. Beginning in 1914 ending in 1923 killing over one million Greeks.
After analyzing the crime scene and gathering information, the Investigative teams has come to conclude that Queenie Volupides was lying and steps must be taken to learn more about Arthur's death.
This is an attempt to unravel the tangle by an objective and empirical examination of information from crime scene and post mortem examination of the victims. Pre-digested information such as speculative newspaper reports, and statements from witnesses other than those called in a professional capacity have been avoided since theirs is largely subjective testimony that confounds more than it informs.
Throughout American history, different types of explorers from other continents have settled in this nation. By the seventeenth century, the amount of English settlers had increased tremendously, while the Indian settlers who were Indian chief, Powhatan, had decreased from 14,000 to 600. More than 95 percent of Powhatan’s settlers was exterminated due to the decrease in population of the Indian settlers. The author of this passage explains how, due to the diversity, the amount of tribes and settlers that escaped and were exterminated was high and it had a negative impact on them.
When I arrived at the scene I first noticed that Arthur Volupides was lying on his back with his legs on the stairs. I also saw that he was formally dressed. The carpet was still neat and nothing on the wall was out of place. Something else that stuck out to me was that Mr. Volupides clothes weren’t messed up at all and he was perfectly positioned. He still had his glass in his hand, and it wasn’t broken or cracked at all. Also the glass was in his left hand. Right before I was about to conclude my investigation I noticed that in the kitchen there was food cooking on the stove.The autopsy states that Arthur died from a wound on the head and confirmed that he had been drunk
The crime of genocide is one of the most devastating human tragedies throughout the history. And the word genocide refers to an organised destruction to a specific group of people who belongs to the same culture, ethnic, racial, religious, or national group often in a war situation. Similar to mass killing, where anyone who is related to the particular group regardless their age, gender and ethnic background becomes the killing targets, genocide involves in more depth towards destroying people’s identity and it usually consists a fine thorough plan prearranged in order to demolish the unwanted group due to political reasons mostly. While the term genocide had only been created recently in 1943 by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish legal
One of the most gruesome genocides to happen during the 20th century is the Greek Genocide, often referred to as the Pontian or Ottoman Greek Genocide. This genocide consisted of mass killings and exterminations of the Ottoman Greeks by the Turkish rule from 1914-1923. The main dispute was difference in religion and beliefs, Christians versus Islam. What most people do not know is that the Ottoman Greek Genocide is responsible for the almost complete destruction of the Christian Orthodox culture, including monuments and history. Many Greeks suffered from forced deportations, death marches, forced conversion of religion, executions, labor battalions, hunger, and the overall cruelty of the Turkish government during this time period. The ones responsible for these acts was the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and the Young Turk reformists who seized control of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Greeks of all ages and genders were persecuted because of their culture and minority in Turkey, so that the CUP and the Young Turks could achieved perfect “Turkification” of the empire.
I arrived at the scene on Wednesday August 5, 2015, at approximately 1:46 the Volupides household where I found Arthur Volupides dead at the bottom of the staircase. His wife, Queenie, was seen standing over his dead body by her friends from the country club that came 10 minutes later Queenie arrived home. When they arrived at the door, she said, “Something terrible happened—Arthur slipped and fell on the stairs. He was coming down for another drink—he still had the glass in his hand—and I think he’s dead. Oh, my God—what shall I do?”
Everyone should care when the topic of genocide comes up. Genocides might not happen to you but if you research the damage they do to people you should care and immediately feel empathy for those that are effected by them. Genocides are a very serious topic that scar people affected by them for
What is the name of the horrid conflicts that cause the mass killings of millions? What is the thing that scars people mentally and physically? The answer to all of these questions is Genocide. There are genocides going on in every part of the world today whether or not we know it. One widely known genocide is the Jewish Holocaust. Hitler killed, tortured, and traumatized millions of people during his time of ruling in Germany. Genocides have an outcome of millions killed, thousand displaced and many more haunted. There are several factors that contribute to genocide, but most have the common bases starting them: religious, ethnicity, and greed.
In the Rwandan genocide, 800,000 people were killed over the span of three months. In the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide, the atrocities that the extremist Hutus committed can never be forgotten because the victims, the government, and the perpetrators were all affected. In Rwanda, the people have been scarred by the horrors they saw and the family members they lost. The government and economy of Rwanda were non-existent immediately after the genocide but, they have made strides to rebuild themselves to a state better than before the genocide. Justice in Rwanda was obtained by the establishing of Gacaca courts and help from the ICC. The Rwandan genocide’s aftermath left the country in rubble as today it is still trying to rebuild.