
Tragedy Of The Commons Case Study

Decent Essays

Summarize, in YOUR own words (do NOT copy-n-paste from the book or article) what the “Tragedy of the Commons” means. • This term refers to the self beneficial actions taken by individuals that deplete common resources within an open access, unowned system resulting in a loss of those resources. What natural resource in your area, environment, community, or town has been a victim of the Tragedy of the Commons? In what way? Explain. • In Florida the tragedy of the commons is being seen in the Floridan Aquifer and springs, as the number of extraction places and removal amounts amplify, bodies of surface water have begun to vanish and, underneath the surface, salt water will eventually begin to invade, ruining the natural aquifer. The springs …show more content…

Restrictions need to be put in place to avoid the utilization of land in that matter. I hope permission was not granted for the sake of the people drinking the natural water of the springs and for the manatees who spend the winter months there. Select an aspect of your day-to-day existence that has environmental consequences. Describe the environmental consequences, and briefly discuss more sustainable alternatives. • An aspect of my daily life that has consequences on the environment would be sitting idle for about 15 minutes each morning while I wait to bring my daughter into daycare, releasing toxic fumes from my car into the environment. Leaving the car running when it is cool enough to sit with the windows down is unnecessary and can be easily changed. I can make a more sustainable transition by putting the windows down and turning off the engine for the 15 minutes we wait. Tell me what aspects of the course you really liked and would not want changed if we update/revise this

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