
Tradition or Cruelty in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery Essay

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Tradition or Cruelty in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" satirizes barbaric traditions in a supposedly civilized village. As the story begins, the villagers appear to be fairly civilized and carry on fairly modern lifestyles. This is assumed by the men's discussion of planting, rain, tractors, and taxes. The lottery was outdated to such a degree that some may think that the tradition is primal competition of anthropoid beasts. On the other hand, some think that carrying on the tradition was necessary. The question that must be answered is: Was this a barbaric tradition or was this ritual an honest attempt to better other villager's lives?

Shortly after the publication of "The Lottery" in The New …show more content…

Hutchinson can't help but finish washing her dishes before she meets her family at the square. After Tessie is the chosen one to die, it is her friend that initiates the stoning. Mrs. Delacroix, who picks up a stone so large that she has to use two hands, starts the murder by telling others to "come on" and "hurry up." This shows no mercy for the victim, even when it may be a loved one. However the action of barbarism that tops all the others is Davy Hutchinson: "The most pathetic figure of all is Davy Hutchinson who survives the drawing but who is forced, unknowingly, to take part in the ordeal. Someone gives him a few pebbles so that he, too, may share in the collective murder of his mother" (Friedman 67).

The above excerpt demonstrates "that one function of the lottery is to change the relationship between community and victim" (Magill 1673). At one instant all of the villagers are equal, but after the person is chosen to die, the rest of the village are predators hunting their prey. This change in feelings portrays a barbaric instinct towards the loser.

Yet another inhumane action is how Nancy and Bill Jr. laugh after they realize they were not going to die. Maybe they laugh out of relief; nevertheless, they, in turn, display no feelings or thoughts of concern for someone else in their community who will be murdered. It is hard to visualize loving children, within a few minutes, go from dependence of mother to the murder of her. Friedman puts it

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