
Toyota Case

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Corporate Communication Toyota Case Study Question number 1: Read the Toyota case study and answer the following question: Consider the vision articulated by Toyota and its alignment with the company’s image among external stakeholders and the company’s internal culture. Is there sufficient alignment between vision, culture and image? What gaps emerged and how can Toyota address these gaps? When examining the values of a company, one must take into account the different metrics which make up the way that a company is perceived. Vision, Image, and Culture of a company must be aligned in order for a company to achieve an optimal result. When there is a gap in the cohesiveness of these aspects, a company will experience setbacks or …show more content…

Mr. Toyoda, the current President, in fact, has challenged his company's engineers to make less dull cars. With this and other measures, mainly regarding the communication field, they are starting the path towards their reputation's recovering. It has been created also a gap between Image and Vision. After the crisis Toyota's relationship with its main stakeholders (suppliers, national and international customers, employees, dealers and investors) was not so strong as before, because it was loosing its reputation. The investors and the suppliers were complaining because recalling million of vehicles, and the customers were disappointed because they were not receiving what they expected. Question number 2: Read the Toyota case study and answer the following question: Consider the overall communication strategy of Toyota, including its strategic intent and positioning, the themed messages and message styles in Toyota’s communications. Given the challenges ahead for Toyota, how would you change the communication strategy in terms of strategic intent, themes messages and message styles? Toyota has always stressed the importance of environmental care and the reliability on their safe and quality cars. Since 1992 adopted a set of Guiding Principles, focused on “providing clean and safe products

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