
Tourism and Destination Management

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Tourism and Destination Management Individual Assignment Tourism and Destination Management Individual Assignment Statement of authorship I certify that this dissertation is my own work and contains no material that has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed _________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________________ Introduction The topic of “tourist destination image” and its relevant meaning has been explored and …show more content…

79). Travellers generally have very little understanding of the destination because they haven’t been there before. As a result, images that are promote the country in a strong and recognizable way easily conveys people to choose that destination. Furthermore, after one’s vacation, tourists gather their opinions on the destinations success in providing sensational experiences and whether or not it corresponds to their initial view of the place they got from consulting images (Danijela Križman Pavlović, 2007, p. 542). The image of a destination according to Reynolds (1965), is defined based on impressions that are derived from a “flood of information”. Promotional items such as adverts and brochures, opinions coming from family members, friends and travel agents, media reports in newspapers, magazines, television news, and documentaries are all different floods of information that contribute to the formation of a destinations image. According to Echtner and Ritchie, the image one has of a destination based on first hand information as well as one’s experience can change after having visited the place (Charlotte M. Echtner, 2003). When going on an experience that is related to tourism, generally customers tend to look for as much information as possible, creating an image or “mental prototype” of that destination.

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