
Toulmin Model Of Argument Analysis

Decent Essays

Imagine a world that is so bleak and interconnected by not a voice, but a device in your hand. A world where people ignore the small affairs of life; a world where people just look down at a screen in their hand. This world can happen, it might be happening now, how would anyone know? In the year 2000, the author named Jonathan Coleman made an article in Newsweek called “Is Technology Making Us Intimate Strangers “it was about Jonathan Coleman’s thoughts on technology. This article uses a writing technique called the Toulmin Model of argument. The Toulmin Model is a seven-part writing technique that writers’, when writing an argument paper use to explain their claim to a reading audience. The seven parts of the Toulmin model are claim, stated …show more content…

At first, he uses the first part of the Toulmin Model “Claim”. What is a claim? A claim is the position being argued for the conclusion of the argument and whose truth is justified. It is basically the main idea of the paper. The claim of the article as written in the article” Technology, for the most part, creates the illusion of intimacy. As marvelous as it can be, it also foils us. It keeps us from the best of ourselves and enables us to avoid others. It makes us into intimate strangers” (284) Coleman writes about how technology does not connect with him and wonders how people can live life not seeing the precious affairs of life like him. He writes” Frankly, I worry about the freedom we give up, the time to think and reflect, the time to consider where we've been in order to see where we are--or want to be--going . . . Self-reflection is far different--and far more difficult--than self-absorption, but the pain that self-absorption can inflict on others is acute.” (483) This is his “Warrant” of the Toulman Model. What is a Warrant? To not confuse this is not a document issued by a legal official authorizing the police to make an arrest, search premises. It is an unstated statement in an argument that everything that connects the grounds and reasons for the

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