
Tougher Laws To Reduce Distracted Driving

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By Chance Decker
Should we have tougher laws to reduce distracted driving?
Imagine that you are in a car. This car is going 80 miles per hour and just a few feet to the left to you someone else is going to pass you, but they are passing you while they are on their phone. Would you be ok with that? I wouldn't want someone next to me on their phone if we were going 30 miles per hour, let alone 80. I'm going to talk about how we should give police officers more control and tougher laws to stop distracted driving. Also in this paper I'm going to tell you about how many people died or got injured last year due to distracted driving and that we need to teach kids the dangers of distracted driving and how it's not ok.
First we need to start giving police officers more authority over distracted driving. The state of New Hampshire was alarmed by increasing numbers of distracted driving deaths and accidents.Therefore they passed a law in 2015 that if you are the age of 17 or younger than you can not be on your phone while driving (Altschiller). In Hartford, Connecticut and Syracuse, New York they increased high visibility police enforcements combined with more public services campaigns. These additions showed good results in those two states when it came to a decrease in distracted driving and accident due to …show more content…

One way we can reduce these problems is to give law enforcement more means to stop the problem, we need to toughen our state laws to reduce the high number of crashes each year, and teens need good role models and strong drivers education course to teach them of the dangers of distracted driving before they get into the bad habits themselves. that we need to get rid of because every year the death rate of distracted driving goes up. Teens are seeing their parents doing it and they think it's ok when it’s

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