
Totalitarianism Dbq

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Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the national government takes control of all aspects of both public and private life. Totalitarianism occurred after the Czars ended their reign, bringing new leaders with new ideas. These ideas led to the USSR becoming a communist country. Joseph Stalin won the election against Leon Trotsky and was the dictator of Russia during that time, and eliminated any form of freedom in Russia. He abused his power as ruler and caused chaos among Russian citizens. It is important to acknowledge this incident as it led to many casualties and reforms throughout Russia and the lasting effects from the time. Stalin used his power to manipulate his people using fear, censorship, and the persecution involved with the police. Fear was one of the main ways that Stalin used to control the …show more content…

In Russia, one never dared to speak against Stalin because they never knew who they could trust to tell it. Stalin's secret police were always there, even if they didn't know they were there watching. He forced the NKVD to stay in schools to make sure they were getting taught the right things, and even so far children started telling their parents if they said anything bad about Stalin. They spied and intimidated citizens and if anyone dared say anything about it they would murder them to achieve their goals. In document 6, Nikita Krushchev mentioned in his speech how Stalin abused his power and that instead of improving his political correctness he resorted to killing, not only bad people but also people that did not do anything. This is important because it shows he did not care about the people of Russia; he cared that he was still ruler. He killed people whether they did anything or not; he eliminated anyone that got in the way. To conclude, Joseph Stalin played a pivotal role in the rise of Totalitarianism in Russia in many

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