After publishing the book, “Tortured in Ashram” (, I delayed writing about the torture inflicted upon me by the ashram perpetrators, until it reached the limit of psychological and physical hardship. Now the time has come. The perpetrators are bombarding me with massive radiation to my head besides all other torture methods described in the book, and this will cause cognitive and behavioral alteration. So, I am writing before I am disabled, a summary of all my sufferings in my blog, (URL).
The book covers the perils of microwave weapon with its sophisticated technology using the nervous system with a reach of all the bodily functions is well beyond any one’s imagination. Some part of this article is from the book for
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Some murderous maniacs have no affiliations with terrorist groups and no explanation of their actions other than insanity. Severe mental illness has increased in the United States. Does the society cause mental illness? Certainly.
One primary reason may be the microwave weapon attack is on the rise, which makes the victims insane, and they turn to violence. The weapon attack could be from within the United States or remotely (via satellite) attacking a U.S. citizen from other countries. The government, including the CIA, ignores the Microwave weapon attack on thousands of victims.
The vicious and stunning capabilities of the Microwave weapon and its ability to commit vicious crimes without others ever knowing. It can imprison the victim making it challenging to do the routine tasks, such as: going for a walk, taking a bus, and doing day to day routines. No one can understand the depth and viciousness of the
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CIA developed this technology in the sixties, but it ended up in the hands of criminals.
The Microwave weapon is prevalent all over the world, and it does inconceivable harm to innocent targeted individuals (TIs) across the globe, yet authorities unaware of this crime, including the elected officials except the CIA.—the CIA ignores the evil that the microwave weapon present and they are only the agency who can solve this crime. The CIA has disparaged the Microwave Weapon attack as a hoax and compared to some of the conspiracy theories advanced by the fringe group.
The CIA’s attitude about the Microwave weapon enrages me. The U.S. government is slipping from being revered to being reviled. How can the citizens be loyal to their government? Often, the CIA came up with a disparaging excuse that the victims provide no evidence of microwave weapon attacks. It is an utter lie. The CIA is knowledgeable about the microwave technology. In the ’60s, they performed radiation experiments on humans without the consent. President Clinton apologized for the offenses the CIA had committed a few years back, and the government cannot deny this. The government knows these crimes exist, and its inaction raises suspicions. The CIA has refused to investigate microwave weapons in the hands of the enemies, not because the agency has not heard
The development of technology is the third important factor in a successful command and control environment. Technology has become a crucial and vital necessity for modern armies. There are many advantages and disadvantages of technology depending on how to use it. Nowadays, one of the advantages is the fact that you can gain many information about the enemy from your place by using the technology and analyze it to build your plan on it. According to a top-secret U.S. intelligence document, the U.S. commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden was guided from space by a fleet of satellites, which aimed dozens of receivers over Pakistan to collect a torrent of electronic and signals intelligence as the mission unfolded. The National Security Agency also was able to penetrate guarded communications among al-Qaeda operatives by tracking calls from mobile phones identified by specific calling patterns, the document shows. Analysts from the CIA pinpointed the geographic location of one of the phones and linked it to the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where other evidence suggested bin Laden was hiding.
Some historians might argue that the goal of the program was to create a mind-control system with which the CIA could ‘program’ people to perform assassinations without their knowledge. Recently, most of the information regarding the project has been officially
The United States Central Intelligence Agency attempted to combat communism with mind-control. Although shocking in and of itself, the methods with which it was done were much more radical: international codes violated, laws broken, and basic human rights disregarded. The illegal and unethical nature of the project supplies reasonable cause for reprimands. Congress should punish the CIA for a series of inhumane experiments which took place throughout the 1950’s.
In 1992, President Clinton apologized for these same crimes, committed by the CIA in the 1960s. Later in this chapter, I will refer to the Pandora and MK-Ultra torture programs that the CIA conducted. Why is there inaction when the targeted individual of a microwave-weapon attack pleads for government help? The CIA is engaged in collusion and deception, and history repeats itself, with the grievous past mistakes forgotten.
Many people see the mentally ill as crazed individuals that commit peculiar crimes that they don’t necessarily get punished for. That is not a completely inaccurate statement. Research has been going on for decades to try to see if there is in fact a link between the mentally impaired and violence. First physicians attempted to put together an archetype that would help them guess if the mentally ill patient in question was at a high risk to be violent. But that is all they were; merely guesses as to how likely a person was to commit violent acts. The first real studies done to correlate the mentally ill and their threshold of violence was done the 1970s. These tests showed that clinicians are twice as likely to be wrong as they are right when
The public has programmed many to perceive those with mental illnesses as more dangerous. According to the New Yorker, a study done in 2013 showcased that forty-six percent of respondents believe that people suffering from a mental illness pose a greater danger to society than those without. Furthermore, two recent Gallup polls, from 2011 and 2013, demonstrated that more people believe that mass shootings transpire because of a failure in the mental health system, not due to the easy access of guns. In the cases of Sandy Hook, Marysville-Pilchuck, Virginia Tech, and more, teachers, students, parents, and most importantly, the public, automatically assumed only insanity could cause the performance of those acts. Of course, mental illness can play an immense factor in a person’s likelihood to commit violent acts, but pinpointing it as the paramount reason for them should not happen. After lengthy analyses of data that discusses the correlation of gun violence and mental disorders, Jeffrey Swanson, a medical sociologist and professor of psychiatry at Duke University concluded that mental illness became a risk factor for gun violence in four percent of cases. Although the presented facts disclose the almost non-existent connection between mental illness and gun violence, many continue believing the opposite.
The CIA and the National Security Council (NSC) have a long track record of using technology to intercept and communicate possible terrorist threats to officials. However, after the Cold War, cuts were made in national security funding and consequently diminished the CIA ability to track and
These instruments of destruction are not only in the hands of adults, but are also in the hands of children. It has been shown that
In this article, Allen sees conspiracy around every corner and fails to see that this technology could be useful in saving lives and protecting our country from foreign and domestic threats. He is blinded by
Radio frequency (RF) energy, in the form of radiating waves or electrical currents, has been used in medical treatments for over 75 years,[7] generally for minimally invasive surgeries, using radiofrequency ablation and cryoablation, including the treatment of sleep apnea.[8] Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses radio frequency waves to generate images of the human body.
After thoroughly reading this week’s course material, choose one potential weapon from one of the chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) categories (i.e. you could select Tularemia, which could be a potential biological weapon). Write in your own words your assessment of your selected potential weapon's characteristics, accessibility, consequences of terrorists using that weapon based in researched facts. Please provide any support information required.
Intelligence Community is responsible for gathering and analyzing information on foreign nuclear weapons programs, as well as on efforts by terrorist organizations to develop, steal or buy nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. As noted, nonproliferation of nuclear weapons is one of the government’s most important and difficult national security objectives. Monitoring Iranian, Pakistani, Israeli, Indian, and Chinese nuclear weapons programs, as well as the nuclear energy industries of other countries, is a full-time task. The imperative of providing timely warnings of developing threats involving weapons of mass destruction, however, is paramount, and many agencies within the intelligence community contribute to this
Conversations associating mental illness with extreme cases of violence have become, and continue to become, more and popular in the United States of America. Many people across the nation, and even in other countries around the world, are demanding answers to an outstanding number of questions. Why did these tragic events occur? Why do these tragic events continue to occur? Why is it that whenever a mass shooting occurs the suspect claims insanity? What is insanity? Are they telling the truth or is it just a cover up? Does mental illness really cause crime? There are so many questions all with varying supplementary scenarios however, I will focus on my belief that although mental illness does not cause crime and violence, it does contribute to it. I believe that the first and most important problem in this controversy is the lack of understanding what both mental illness and crime is. Robert Schug refers to both terms as “umbrella terms” in Stacy Mallicoat’s Crime and Criminal Justice: Concepts and Controversies (2016). Mental illness consists of numerous complex conditions that alters one’s state of mind with ranging severities and crime consists of varying levels of behaviors and actions that are against the law.
There is no doubt that the results of a rampage can be tragic, But the media tends to exploit the drama and leave out the context.Aside from the group of severely ill individuals, multiple studies have shown that mental illness alone does Not incline a person to violence.
Today, it would be a daunting challenge to even count all the various ways wireless communication is employed around an average household for example. The push for increasingly powerful wireless systems begs the question, whether at some point the wireless signals will become so powerful and transmitted at so high a frequency that they may begin to cause adverse symptoms in humans and animals as a result. This paper will focus on the ethical implications of developing such technologies without yet having scientific research that demonstrates the safety of these systems on humans and animals. Before we can begin examining this topic from an ethical standpoint, it is useful to review some of the basic concepts and terminology underlying wireless communications in as simple a fashion as possible, since many of you may not happen to be engineers.