
Tootsie Roll Pop Research Paper

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Description of a Tootsie Roll Pop Tootsie roll pops are an iconic candy for all ages. Like most people, I grew up enjoying tootsie roll pops. I would imagine, over the years that I have eaten thousands of them. As an adult, I feel a bit nostalgic when eating one, always remembering the slogan, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie roll pop? As I enter Rocket Fizz candy shop to select a tootsie roll pop, I see row after row and bin after bin of colorful, delicious and scrumptious sweetness. I find the selection of tootsie roll pops and see I can choose from purple, red, orange, green, pink or blue. I cannot decide which flavor so I purchase one of each. Once I get home, I lay the flavors out in front of

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