
Tommy Douglas: The Revolutionization Of Canada

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Tommy Douglas is considered to be ‘the greatest Canadian,’ considering that he revolutionized the country because of the healthcare system, welfare benefits, and the bill of rights. Without Tommy's effort towards the benefit of Canada, we would be far from where we are today so much as even the little things he affected and changed created the biggest impact. Firstly, Tommy Douglas suffered from a severe infection in his knee and was advised to amputate. However, a charity was organized for him due to a doctor who was interested and saw potential in saving his leg. By organizing that charity, they were eventually able to save Douglass leg. After that moment, It was when Tommy felt and decided that Canada should provide healthcare without any direct cost considering that it would make a positive impact and is important to the development …show more content…

There were problems that occurred between the provincial government, the North American medical establishment, and the province's physicians, which ended up putting things to a stop with the 1962 Saskatchewan Doctors' Strike. On the first day of the Doctor's Strike, a severely injured child died trying to reach the closest open hospital hours away. After that incident, the doctor’s finally decided to quit the strike leading to Tommy Douglas’s win. The adoption of healthcare across Canada ended up being the work of three men, Tommy Douglas, John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson. Medicare made a huge impact considering that around that time, money was a difficult issue and people tended to go broke by just being sick and paying a large amount of money for their own health.It has made an immense impact during the 1960’s. Moreover, individuals and families to this day, are

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