
Tom Vs. Arnie From Born Worker By Gary Soto

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Tom vs Arnie Similarities. Differences. Arnie From Born Worker by Gary Soto and Tom From The Adventures of Tom Sawyer have both of these. Born Worker is a story about how Arnie convinces his cousin to go into business with him, but doesn't play fair. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom manipulates the neighbourhood boys into doing his chores for him, and spends his Saturday relaxing in the sun. Tom and Arnie have similarities, but they also have differences that set them apart from one another. Tom and Arnie have a few things in common, one of which being their values. Both boys have materialistic values. Tom values his “treasure” also known as marbles, trash, and toys. Arnie values his high-tops and money. Twain states that “He [Tom] got

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