
Tom Robinson Speeches

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Have you ever been a victim of racism? Let me introduce you to one his name is Tom Robinson a 25 year old. Tom is a black field worker that is accused of raping and beating Mayella Ewell. In a town like Maycomb, if a black man is accused of doing anything to a white woman, then that means he is guilty only because he is colored. In the book they don’t treat colored people the same because they always think that they have something bad to do with them just because of their skin color. Walter Cunningham wouldn’t take Miss Caroline's money, Mr. Ewell atacking Jem and Scout At the end of the book, why are they so obsessed with Boo Radley. . “Everyone in Maycomb knows the Cunninghams are a very proud family. They may be dirt poor, but they are …show more content…

Tom Robinson's old boss, Link Deas, gives Helen a job, but Bob Ewell makes it very difficult for her to safely walk to work. Deas puts an end to that, which makes Ewell angry. Atticus and Aunt Alexandra don't go to the pageant because they're tired, so Jem agrees to take Scout and bring her home. On the way to the pageant, Cecil Jacobs frightens Jem and Scout. The children enjoy the festivities, but Scout embarrasses herself by making a very late entrance onstage. When it's time to go home, Scout tells Jem that she would rather leave her costume on than have to face people, and they head for home with Jem guiding Scout. Jem hears something unusual and tells Scout to be very quiet. Suddenly, a scuffle occurs. Scout hears Jem scream, and then steel-like arms begin crushing her inside the costume. Someone — Scout assumes it's Jem — pulls the attacker off her. Scout calls for Jem but gets no answer other than heavy breathing. She heads toward the breath sounds, feeling for Jem. When she touches the man's stubble, she knows he isn't Jem. Scout works to reorient herself and finally sees a strange man carrying Jem to their front door. Aunt Alexandra calls for the doctor, and Atticus calls for the sheriff. Scout fears that Jem is dead, but Aunt Alexandra tells her that he's only unconscious as she works to disentangle Scout from the chicken wire. Dr. Reynolds arrives, and after he …show more content…

“The name ‘Boo’ suggests childish scaring games and brings in the theme of fear: of the unknown. Boo is described as an ‘unknown entity’: the very unknown-ness is what scares them”. “Scout narrates a history of how Boo became a recluse: the punishment of ‘being locked up for fifteen years’ is out of proportion to the crime. We get the feel that his father may have made him this way through a cold brutality, which is somewhat disturbing. Scout says ‘they were all scared of him”. “We look to Atticus for an objective judgement and he says ‘no’ Boo wasn’t chained to the bed, but “there were other ways of making people into ghosts”. It’s a disturbing image of someone alive but dead at the same time, and taps into the theme of how people can be corrupted and psychologically destroyed. The kids become obsessed with making Boo Radley ‘come out’. This quest symbolises the quest for truth: when he finally does, he speaks ‘in the voice of a child afraid of the dark’. He’s not fearful and not as he’s been described. The kids’ curiosity almost becomes a monster in its own right, dragging into the light something that doesn’t want to be seen. Ultimately, it’s a let-down, and she says “I never saw him

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