
Tom Carson Asbestos-Related Cancer Case Study

Decent Essays

Asbestos is the term used to refer to a group of six naturally occurring minerals and it has been widely used in various industrial applications as it is highly resistant to heat, chemicals and does not conduct electricity.
The use of asbestos has been regulated in 1970 by the Environmental Protection Agency because it has been found to be extremely dangerous for workers and their families, causing mesothelioma and other illnesses. Thus, most people think of it as a historical threat, without knowing that even nowadays a great number of workers are at risk of cancer from asbestos exposure.
Tom Carson, aged 61, is one of the few people suffering from an asbestos-related disease that managed to live more than one year after the diagnosis. Only …show more content…

However, after 2 weeks of investigating the patient’s medical history and performing various blood tests and imaging scans, cancer specialists have managed to establish a connection between Tom’s confusing symptoms and workplace. A tumor biopsy that has been taken and analyzed confirmed the doctors’ suspicions and on 22nd of November 2015, Tom has been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma.
Even though no cure for this illness has been found, Tom undergoes a multimodal treatment in order to stay alive for as long as possible. This multimodal approach combines surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and has been proved to be more efficient than the mentioned treatments alone. Luckily for Tom, whose disease has been discovered pretty late, the surgery was still possible to perform.
Working with asbestos-containing products require appropriate protective equipment, something that Tom never had. The ELG has helped him get his rightful compensation from the company he dedicated his life to. He hopes that by sharing his story, he will raise awareness about the various possibilities of asbestos exposure amongst workers and help decreasing the exposure rate in the

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