
Tom Buchanan Is Responsible For Gatsby's Death

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In The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan's actions lead to Gatsby's death. His affair with Myrtle Wilson and her lies to her husband, George Wilson, set off a chain of events that piled up and caused Gatsby's death. Tom not defending Gatsby while George is planning on killing him leads to Gatsby's death because Tom had George believe that Jay and Myrtle were having an affair. Tom's obsession with his social person also plays a main role, causing him to manipulate Gatsby and Daisy, ultimately making him responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby. Tom’s affair with Myrtle Wilson caused Myrtle to die because she thought Tom was driving the yellow car and ran out. When Tom found out that Gatsby killed Myrtle in the yellow car, it ultimately led to Gatsby's death. At first, they blamed Tom because he drove the yellow car there, but came back in the blue car. Tom defends himself by saying, “That yellow car I was driving this afternoon wasn’t mine” (Fitzgerald 108). If Tom never cheated on Daisy with Myrtle, then she wouldn’t have run out and George wouldn’t have shot Gatsby thinking he was the one who had an affair with Myrtle. …show more content…

Tom makes George believe that Gatsby and Myrtle were having an affair, which is why he killed her. George then believes that Gatsby was responsible for Myrtle’s death because of what Tom told him, so George goes after Gatsby and kills him. George is so angry at Gatsby because he believes “he killed her” (Faggar 122). George shoots Gatsby thinking he is the one having affairs with his wife after Tommy informs him it is true but it was a

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