
Tom Brennan Speech Outline

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Good morning Teachers. New stages of life can often introduce change within a persons and cause them to reassess who they are and what they value. These changes can surface due to transitions faced by the individual and new relationships formed during this time, which allow the individual to experience a personal transformation. The Story of Tom Brennan by J.C Bourke and The Dead Poets Society both explore these concepts through the use of characters who transform due to changes in their lives, which lead to a reevaluation of who they are and what they value. In The Story of Tom Brennan by J.C Bourke , Tom’s life completely changed due to his brother, Daniel’s, drink diving accident which left two people dead and one quadriplegic …show more content…

As Tom and Brendan talk about plans for their future climb of Mount Everest, Tom reaches the top of the hill with ease, this symbolic moment allows Tom to reflect of his transition personally and how important his relationships with Brendan and Chrissy have been in supporting him. Tom’s thoughts of “shedding with each kilometre, like layers of skin falling onto the track” as he runs with Brendan is a simile which allows the reader to understand how Tom is feeling and the relief of not having the weight on his shoulders anymore. This achievement and realisation symbolises the growth and change in values and perspective of self that have been achieved through the support of new relationships which have allowed Tom to overcome past events. Peter Weir’s, The Dead Poets Society closely to The Story of Tom Brennan explores the life of an individual Todd Anderson who's life changes once accepted into the prestigious Welton Academy where new relationships are developed. The readers are introduced to Todd as a quiet, introverted student who is unwilling to be apart of the new community. This is shown when Mr Nolan says “speak up Anderson”, this displays how fragile and shy Todd is. However his new relationships with Mr Keating and Neil Perry allow Todd to feel comfortable to be himself and grow in confidence. The reader sees a shift in Todd as he joins the “Dead Poets Society”, and how he is

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