
Tobacco Cessation

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Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide (Centers for Disease Control, 2013, World Health Organization, 2008). Tobacco cessation counseling is a vital component of any public health strategy seeking to decrease mortality, disease and costs associated with smoking. To that end, the Healthy People 2020 Tobacco Use Objectives cover three main areas: reducing tobacco use, instituting health system changes, and creating social and environmental changes (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). Objective TU-10 falls under the category of health system changes as it seeks to open doors for patients to make quit attempts and to pursue tobacco cessation methods by increasing …show more content…

Social Determinants of Health
Social factors associated with higher rates of smoking include low SES being unemployed, homeless, mentally ill, those who are incarcerated, and single parents. (see Bryant at end). Perhaps the strongest associations are between low SES and higher rates of tobacco use. Sadly, those with low SES not only are more likely to smoke, but evidence shows they are less likely to quit successfully.
In the U.S., only 20% of those at or above the poverty level smoke, compared with 30% of those below the poverty level (Hiscock, Bauld, Fidler, and Munafo, 2012). Teenage girls of families with lower SES are more likely to smoke (Hiscock et al, 2012). In addition, those with low SES are less likely to quit smoking successfully and may be less likely to intend or attempt to quit (Reid, Hammond, Boudreau, Fong, and Siahpush, 2010). Reid and coauthors surveyed over16,000 smokers in the US, UK, Canada and the United Kingdom and found that those with higher education were more likely to say they intend to quit smoking, attempt to quit and to be abstinent for between one and six months. Higher income was also associated with stated intention to quit and abstinence of at least one month (Reid et al, 2010). In addition, those with low SES

Cessation Counseling for those with Addictions and Mental Health Disorders
Statistics show that those with drug, alcohol and mental (ADM) disorders account for over 40% of all smokers and only 22% of the U.S. population

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