
To What Extent Should Police Provide High Quality And Unbiased Service

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I believe that police departments across this country should provide high quality and unbiased service because if a department can not deliver on that promise then public trust with that department is tarnished and the public will not trust or help the department. In today's world, the public perception of police is split either that people feel that the police do provide high quality and unbiased service and there was others that feel the police need to do more. What this means to me is that on a daily basis officers no matter of their rank or background should think about how to provide high quality and unbiased service to the citizens that they serve because it will give the officers satisfactions knowing that they are able give a level of service to their community that can make a difference.
In order for departments to provide high quality and unbiased service, departments need to have integrity and hold individuals accountable for their behaviors and/or actions. For this to be effective, it needs to start at the top and work its way down the chain of command. Once officers see ranking officers being a good role model the officers would fall into place. However, if the top of the chain of command does not make a good role model then the officers will feel that they could do what they want since the …show more content…

It takes a special person to become a police officer no matter where you are in the country. This person should have a high regard for the general public and want to serve the community to the best of his or her ability. You do not need someone that just coasts by on everything cause then the department would not be able to give the service it is trying to give cause once one officer starts to coast by then officers will follow what that officer is doing and the service provided will

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