
To What Extent Is Lady Macbeth Responsible For The Death Of King Duncan

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Lady Macbeth was most responsible for the death of King Duncan. It’s clear that there were a few people involved leading up to the death of King Duncan, but the most important was Lady Macbeth. No one played a more important role than herself in making the devious plan for Macbeth to become king. She was the obvious mastermind behind the murder. Even when Macbeth revealed his discontent with the situation, she masterfully manipulated and goaded Macbeth to do things he couldn’t bring himself to. Lady Macbeth's pivotal role in the conspiracy to kill King Duncan is first evident in Act 1, Scene 5 as they prepare for King Duncan’s appearance. She directs Macbeth on how to deceive the king, knowing he is not as wicked as she is; stating that his hand and tongue “Look like th’ …show more content…

He notes that “He hath honored me of late” showing the mutual respect “Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,” he would not like to throw away. He begins to believe in the idea that he will become king without enacting such a wicked plan before Lady Macbeth prods him to find the evil in himself that he had presented before. Even with Macbeth’s pure uncertainty, Lady Macbeth is steadily set on convincing him to murder King Duncan. After Macbeth’s surprise she asks, “Was the hope drunk?” in the hope that he had not the change of heart he had. She wants to reignite the fire that she set inside Macbeth. She questions if Macbeth would “live a coward in his own esteem” and questions if he “would live a coward” in his esteem, “Letting “I dare not” wait upon “I

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