
To What Extent Did The British Colonies Acquired Self Rule

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Maria Buck 06/26/2015 Instructor: Brett Williamson Class: U.S. History to 1877 (HIS151P01P10615) British colonies acquired self-rule from the beginning starting with the Puritans. Spanish colonies were suppressed by the Catholic Church and they instituted slavery. Colonist settled British North American for many reasons. Some traveled for profits; others came to venturing or in investment of stock companies. But, the reason for coming are the type of colony, when the colony and when the English settler arrived they came in encountered with the natives population, Spanish and the French settlements. African slavery changed the new worlds demographic in the early 1600’s. During the late seventeenth century, religion gave the Puritans the opportunity to begin a new life, achieve social class, gain respect in the colonies, and have individual morality. Others came to America for religious freedom, but most came for simple economic reasons. In America there was land to be had and fortunes to be made. The colonists brought English government with them along with their pigs and plows. In most cases, a charter involving the Royal Government back home formed the legal basis of …show more content…

Beginning in 1651, the English government from time to time passed laws regulating certain aspects of the commercial and general economic life of the colonies. Some of these were beneficial to America, but most favored England at America's expense. Generally, the colonists ignored those that were most detrimental. The British occasionally aroused themselves and tried to secure better enforcement, but efforts along these lines were invariably short-lived, the authorities quickly falling back into a policy of "salutary neglect. (O'Mahony, Benedict. "The Colonial Period." N.p., n.d. Web. 29 June

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