
To Kill A Mockingbird Walter Cunningham Quotes

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When Jem went back for his pants, they are folded and sewed for him. Apparently it is done by Boo Radley again. Scout tried to climb into Jem's skin, but she find it is a hard task, even for his own sister. In contrast, Boo seems to be reading his mind. Boo may have been observing the children for a long time, as they bring joy to him. Unfortunately, he hardly have chance to communicate with them and express his love for them, until such accidents happens.

In their talk, Walter Cunningham is mentioned, although he has not been mentioned since Chapter 4, and the next mention of him is in Chapter 15. He, or his family is still a symbol of poverty in the town.

Later, Scout and Jem find more gifts on the same tree, including two dolls, a whole package of chewing gum, a spelling medal and a pocket watch. As the watch will not run, they think of contacting the giver. They mistakenly think it is Miss Maudie, and decide not to tell it to Atticus. They may never think Boo is the giver, for the fear of him. Those gifts seem to represent Boo's childhood, and they may be crucial clues to reveal Boo's secret in the end. …show more content…

Radley fills the hole. He says the tree is dying, maybe also because of the fear of Boo. Scout and Jem are both in deep sorrow. Although themselves have not realized, the emotional link between them and Boo has been strongly

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