
To Kill A Mockingbird Speeches

Decent Essays

I am high school student currently enrolled at Monte Vista High School in California. I come from a family of six, a family that has moved five times to five different states in the past fifteen years. As a former homeschooled student who lived in many places with historical background, I have had countless opportunities to visit museums and memorial sites. At each of those historical landmarks, I was always intrigued by those who had devoted their lives to what they believe in. I have always been astounded that a person had lived such remarkable, notable life that there was a landmark dedicated solely to them. In my recent discoveries, I’ve learned how many lives had been taken through racial lynchings, and hardly any of those people are receiving recognition for the horrible injustice that was done against them. I don’t believe that is acceptable, and I would like your help to change that fact by building historical landmarks for those who died in …show more content…

Harper Lee depicted this excellently in her novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Lee created the character, Tom Robinson, a kind and honest African-American man who was put on trial for being the victim of a kiss, a kiss from a white woman. I believe we should take a step forward to making things right by building memorials for these innocent victims, for, like Atticus Finch says in Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird, “The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.” (Lee, 140), not building a memorial to respect these lives would be a horrible guilt to live with. To pay for the sins of killing innocent mockingbirds, people who, as Miss Maudie put it, “[Mockingbirds] don't do one thing except make music for us to enjoy” (Lee, 119), we should create these memorials, to commemorate those who were

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